Assalamualaikum and hye everyone!!
Now I want to share with you lesson that I got from the latest class from UED 102. Every class for this subject, the lecture will not be the same because the topic has been set for each lecture. This time the class presented by Encik Kamil. This topic entitled TAKING LECTURE NOTES. This topic divided by two parts.

Part 1:Taking Lecture Notes

                                                  Image result for phrase the biggest lie i tell myself is " I don't need to write that down". I'll remember it"
When the class got started Encik Kamil asked us to read the phrase above. So in my opinion, its normal as human to forget something especially the importance thing but we can avoid this situation by jot down the point.

The reasons why we have to take lecture notes are for active listening, accurate record of information, to interpret, condense and organize information, for repetition of material and accurate record of information.
How to take lecture notes?
πŸ‘ŒPrepare before taking notes
πŸ‘‚ Active listening

There are many ways to be active listener. One of the ways is sitting in the lecture’s line of vision. It’s will help we to give full of attention during the class. Next, we must ask and answer questions if we curious about something in the subject. Furthermore, read before the lecture start will help us to prepare and easy to understand although the topic just learned.

PART 2: Note Taking System

This part related with the first topic and will teach us about making notes by using the cornel note taking system in the simple way and easy to understand. We can easily different the heading which is main point, the backup explanation and do summary for the subject that we learn.At the end of the class, Encik Kamil gave briefing about business management a little bit and he asked us to use the system note.

Image result for taking lecture notes for uitm

Okay that's it for today! we will meet again next time..bye and assalamualaikum❤❤ 


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